Tag: startups

  • Why Do Startups Think Content is Expendable?

    Why Do Startups Think Content is Expendable?

    You got a great idea, website you got some startup funding, your patents and trademarks got squared away, you developed the product, launched it, and you’reworking out the bugs as you wait for the public to embrace it.  Now, how exactly is it they’re going to find you?  (The answer is content, but read on…

  • Why Now is a Good Time to Start a New Company

    Why Now is a Good Time to Start a New Company

    Have you been thinking of starting a new venture? Now may be the best time to start. If you hold out for better market conditions, thumb you may be bypassing a great opportunity. There are definitely areas of overall market risk to keep an eye on – the slowly recovering national economy and a pull-back…

  • Startups: 5K or Ironman?

    Startups: 5K or Ironman?

    I had an experience at Starbucks this week that left me intrigued by the gap I see in major brands between employee engagement and customer engagement. I am an extremely engaged Starbucks fan. To give you an idea of my engagement level: I’ve carried my Starbucks Gold card with pride since 2008, this site I…

  • The Dangerous Game for Startups: Assumptions

    It may seem obvious, web but many times obvious things get ignored … like determining the best profession for yourself and getting on a self-development track that will allow you to be a high achiever in that profession. The gecko logo reminds us that we all have the power to ditch our current occupation and…